3min read Times like these make it difficult for luxury brands to remain relevant and engage consumers, so many have taken the call for medical supplies as a lifeline for their brand.
2min read Alors que le commerce électronique est devenu un élément essentiel de la stratégie de vente retail omnicanale ces dernières années, aucun retailer n’était préparé à une situation où son canal
2min read While eCommerce has become a vital component of omnichannel retail strategy in recent years, no retailer was prepared for a situation where their online channel suddenly changes from being an
3min read Malgré la situation difficile que le coronavirus a créée dans de nombreux pays, nous souhaiterions vous rappeler qu’Openbravo reste engagé plus que jamais à vous fournir la plateforme omnicanale sur
2min read A medida que las tecnologías y estrategias detrás del comercio minorista moderno maduran, la Barcelona Fashion Summit de este año se centrará en lo que significa estar centrado en el
2min read Until recently, sustainability was not a large driver in the fashion business, but in the last decade, customers have become more aware of the impacts of the fashion industry on
2min read A partir de la próxima semana, Barcelona se convertirá en el centro de todo lo relacionado con la experiencia de marca y el comercio minorista como la primera edición del
2min read Starting next week, Barcelona will be the center for all that is related to retail and brand experience when the Spanish city hosts, for the first time, the Retail &
3min read Los presupuestos de TI pueden estar creciendo, pero muchos minoristas son reacios a abandonar sus sistemas heredados y luchan para decidir dónde enfocar la inversión de TI para el crecimiento
2min read Mobile payments are gaining traction around the world using different technologies, and retailers will increasingly want to offer the latest payment options. But what is the best way to do
Openbravo’s Good News in Retail This Week: April 6