3min read Why have some retailers performed better than others in rebounding after the collapse in sales experienced during the lockdown at the beginning of their year? Take, for example, Next, the
3min read This week brings more news of retailers rebooting operations, adapting to increased online traffic, finding innovative ways to generate revenue, and meeting the challenges brought on by coronavirus… NEXT Starts
3min read Esta semana trae más noticias sobre las operaciones de reinicio de los minoristas, la adaptación al aumento del tráfico en línea, la búsqueda de formas innovadoras de generar ingresos y
2min read Retailers that have not yet embraced eCommerce within a coherent omnichannel strategy cannot afford to wait any longer. That’s because as more retail revenue shifts online, a strategy based predominantly
2min read Despite the sensationalist articles warning about the Death of the High Street, it is clear that for some product categories, a physical store will likely remain the preferred way of
3min read When we talk to retailers about what its top of their “wish list”, real-time inventory visibility is one of the things they most often mention. Without it, it’s not possible
Retail winners leverage eCommerce and customer loyalty to drive rebound