2min read After enduring months of restrictions last year, 2021 is already looking a lot brighter for retailers. With vaccination programs underway, health experts expect that COVID-19 will be contained and perhaps
2min read As the holiday season approaches, retailers are anxiously waiting to see whether the sales boom experienced at the end of each year will be repeated in 2020. The coronavirus pandemic
3min read Why have some retailers performed better than others in rebounding after the collapse in sales experienced during the lockdown at the beginning of their year? Take, for example, Next, the
2min read Every retail business should always try to treat its most loyal customers well. But the turmoil that has hit the retail sector during the past six months has had a
2min read With just three weeks until Eid, the Festival of Breaking the Fast, retailers in MENA and other Muslim countries are hoping that the coronavirus will not dampen the celebrations and
2min read En el mundo tras el COVID, la mayoría de los minoristas reconocen que una mayor parte de sus ventas se realizará online, pero eso también significa gestionar un mayor volumen
3min read This week brings more news of retailers rebooting operations, adapting to increased online traffic, finding innovative ways to generate revenue, and meeting the challenges brought on by coronavirus… NEXT Starts
3min read Esta semana trae más noticias sobre las operaciones de reinicio de los minoristas, la adaptación al aumento del tráfico en línea, la búsqueda de formas innovadoras de generar ingresos y
3min read Il est difficile actuellement pour les marques de luxe de rester pertinentes et d’engager les consommateurs, alors beaucoup d’entre elles ont pris l’appel à l’aide aux équipements médicaux comme une
3min read Times like these make it difficult for luxury brands to remain relevant and engage consumers, so many have taken the call for medical supplies as a lifeline for their brand.